New Life Home Trust UK is a partnering charity with Barnabas Ministries Africa.
Barnabas Ministries Africa was born in 1989 when Clive & Mary Beckenham arrived in Kenya and as a response to the overwhelming needs discovered in the poor communities.
Later New Life Home Trust incorporated all the various children’s outreaches while Barnabas Ministries Africa concentrated upon working with the Kenyan adult humanitarian needs and church leadership.
MISSION STATEMENT – Barnabas Ministries Africa exists to enable, by spiritual, social, economic ministries and any other necessary means, the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be shared with all people groups through “caring with compassion.”
VISION STATEMENT – Barnabas Ministries Africa through working with strategic partners will work to extend God’s Kingdom amongst all people groups.
If you would like to donate specifically to the work of Barnabas Ministries Africa, send us an email.