Donating via online banking:
Thank you for your interest in donating to the work of New Life Home Trust UK CIO.
If you wish to set up a standing order via online banking or make a one-off donation our bank account details are as follows:
New Life Home Trust UK CIO
Account Number: 70135054
Sort Code: 20-84-17
Please use your surname and initial as a reference. It would also be helpful for you to send us an email once you have set up your standing order/donation so that we can confirm we have received the donation.
If you are a UK taxpayer, we are able to claim an additional 25% on top of your donation from the government. Please download and complete our gift aid form and return it to our administrator via email or post.

Donation form:
If you do not have access to online banking, please complete this form and return it to our administrator by email, or print off, complete and post to us.
Download Donation FormDonate online
You can donate to us directly through a number of giving websites including Give As You Live, Stewardship and Charities Aid Foundation.
Please note, these websites take a small percentage of the donation for processing the payment. We, therefore, prefer bank transfers standing orders where possible.

If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your generosity.
Donate to our latest Campaign
Help us raise the funds for a new minibus for our home in Kisumu, Amani cottage, which is in desperate need a new minibus. Nearly £30,000 is required so we can purchase a minibus that can meet the transport needs of those children living there who all have complex additional and physical needs. Donate directly using the button or via one of the means listed below giving the reference ‘minibus’.