Chair of the Trustees David Wright shares with us his relections and vision for 2020…
The start of a new year is an opportunity for reflection – on what to give thanks for; what to celebrate and what to look forward to. In other words, to remind ourselves of the faithfulness of God.
Looking back over several years, it is heartening to consider the ongoing support of the extended family of New Life Home Trust here in the UK, many of whom have been regular donors across many years, for which we continue to be immensely thankful.
Let’s celebrate the achievements of our board of trustees who give their time selflessly to ensure we are able to carry out our remit as a charity and deliver our mission to:
- RESCUE abandoned and other extremely vulnerable babies;
- Give high standards of CARE to the children in our Homes (spiritual, emotional, educational, physical, medical and social);
- PLACE the children into loving family situations (biological family reintegration, adoption or foster care).
This is achieved through tireless promotion, fundraising and supporting volunteers and UK visitors to our homes across Kenya.
Our motivation
We are driven by the remarkable ministry and mission of Clive and Mary Beckenham who started this work 25 years ago and have provided new lives to nearly 2,000 abandoned babies in Kenya. The work is founded on the vision that each life is precious, worthy of love and with a right to redemption and wholeness.
New Life Homes is also founded and works on relationships. Behind the statistics are 2,000 unique individuals, each with a name, character, needs, interests, talents, desires, and potential. Spending time with these precious children and the wonderful team who care for them with such joy and dedication, is not only a privilege but forms personal connections that last between our visits.
In 2019, I had the privilege of leading a team of 3 colleagues to volunteer for a week in Kisumu and Nairobi for the first time. They all returned to England deeply impacted by the warmth of the welcome they had experienced and as new ambassadors for the charity. They continue to ask after individual children they met and helped care for.
Looking forward, for 2020 we will be placing a particular focus on the New Life home in Kisumu, Amani Cottage where we have a specialist centre dedicated to the care of children with special needs. Unfortunately fear and the stigma of disability means that these children are unlikely to be adopted. It is important then that we can provide them with the care and support they need. This often means specialist equipment and training for the staff , which of course requires significant funds. Also having supporters with specialist training who are willing to go out and provide training to our staff in the home can have a massive impact – read our recent blog from Tony and Gerry to learn more.
We recognise that there are challenges ahead, but I know that every penny we are able to send will be used for the benefit of our New Life children in Kenya – to clothe, feed and care for them, pay wages, for buildings, equipment and vehicles and the many services and resources needed to ensure these children have a new life.
Partner with us and help change the lives of children in Kenya today.